WOMoCoE 2019
4th International Workshop on Ontology Modularity, Contextuality, and Evolution
@ JOWO 2019, Graz, Austria, 23 September, 2019
Monday 23 September 2019, Room: Hörsaal MC 3 (MC1.A.01.010)
Monday 23 September 2019, Room: Hörsaal MC 3 (MC1.A.01.010)
- Session 1 (14.00 - 16.00)
- 14.00 - 14.05: Opening
- 14.05 - 15.00: Keynote: Robert Hoehndorf. Evaluating ontology modules from the perspective of machine learning
- 15.00 - 15.30: Patrick Rodler and Michael Eichholzer. How You Ask Matters: A Simple Expert Questioning Approach for Efficient Ontology Fault Localization
- 15.30 - 16.00: Mihai Codescu, Bernd Krieg-Brückner and Till Mossakowski. Extensions of Generic DOL for Generic Ontology Design Patterns
- Coffee break (16.00 - 16.30)
- Session 2 (16.30 - 17.00)
- 16.30 - 16.45: Fumiaki Toyoshima. Contexts: A Grounding Perspective
- 16.45 - 17.00: Fausto Giunchiglia and Mattia Fumagalli. On Knowledge Diversity